Zarchiver For Android | File Archiver Free Download


ZArchiver is a great archive management app that is easy to use. It has the option to create multiple types of archives and was published on 9 January 2017 with a total version of 4 being available for download.

Zarchiver  zarchiver

Creation of Several Archives

Unlike other archive management software that only allows you to create archives in a few different formats, Zarchiver helps you create archives through many different formats, such as the following: 7z (7zip), zip, bzip2 (bz2), gzip (gz), XZ and tar.

Editing of Archives

7Zip, zip, rar, lzh, and tar are only a few of the different file archives that you can use to edit and explore files easily using Zarchiver! Other options include.

Zarchiver Support Spilt and Multi files

The Zarchiver lets you easily navigate spills and multi-file archives that are taking up too much space on your device.

Use of Encryption Methods

Zarchiver app quickly encrypts your files using the industry’s most trusted methods such as AES-256.

Use of Password

You can set a password on Zarchiver for security purposes and protect your data from nosy eavesdroppers. You may want to use .zip or .7z formats for password-protecting your content.

Easy to Use

ZArchiver is a file manager app and comes with a suite of features, like copying, viewing, editing, and sharing files. All you have to do is tap the button for selecting & deselecting files as well as holding it for opening the app’s menu.

Zarchiver Main Features

  • Managing archives

  • Simple and well-organized interface

  • Free of cost

  • Work with different formats

  • Edit and decompress archives

  • Support spilled and multi-files

  • Use several encryption methods

  • Use password for personal security

  • Easy to use

ZArchiver is a free and open-source file app for the Android OS. It can compress and extract files on your Android device.

ZArchiver is an app that allows you to compress and extract files on your Android device. The app has a simple interface with two tabs: one for compressing files, the other for extracting them. You can also use it to create archives in ZIP, RAR, 7z, tar or gzip formats.